Author: Jan Huisman

  • The secrets of Rosenbergs diary

    The secrets of Rosenbergs diary

    On the 13th of June the long lost diaries of Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) were revealed. What may be unveiled in the 400 pages of Rosenberg’s gift to posterity? The finding of the diary is a real treat for historians while the debates on the Second World War are undiminished. Still, the diaries are ‘only’ from…

  • Shakespeare: food hoarder and taxe-dodger

    Shakespeare: food hoarder and taxe-dodger

    The shadowy side of Britain’s well known bard’s personality may have been forgotten for a long time. Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English history, William Shakespeare is mostly know for his sonnets and plays. His historical image is that of a nice, friendly man in everyday life. But a recent study of Aberystwyth…

  • Dutch Jews heavily taxed after WW2

    Dutch Jews heavily taxed after WW2

    Dutch Jews who survived the Holocaust and returned to their homes after the Second World War were heavily taxed by the city counsels. This information was revealed as documents of the city counsel of Amsterdam were digitized, says the Dutch newspaper Het Parool. As most of the Dutch Jews were taken from their homes during…

  • Could it be Jesus?

    Could it be Jesus?

    A new publication on the Shroud of Turin tries to proof that the shroud is about 2000 years old, making it possible that the imprint of the body and face of a bearded man is indeed from Jesus Christ. That’s contradictory to earlier studies, where the shroud was also tested. Those experiments backed up the…

  • Remains of Alfred the Great found?

    Remains of Alfred the Great found?

    It must have been an eerie sight for passersby as archaeologists exhumed an unmarked grave at a churchyard in Winchester on Tuesday. It is thought that the bones belong to the legendary Alfred the Great – the Anglo-Saxon king who fought off the Vikings and established the English justice system. Just over a month after…

  • Later date for exodus from Africa

    Later date for exodus from Africa

    Our early African ancestors may have left the continent later than thought. It is believed that our human forefathers left Africa some 200.000 years ago. But recent studies, based on the genetic material of fossil skeletons, show that a much later date is probably more accurate. The first exodus from Africa happened some 70.000 years…

  • Adolf Hitler ‘not so bad’

    Adolf Hitler ‘not so bad’

    That’s what nearly half of the population of Austria thinks nowadays. Hitler, Austrian by birth, took power in his home country on the 12th march in 1938. The incorporation of Austria into the German Reich is a much debated issue in Austrian history: was ‘the Anschluss’ a voluntary conjoinment, or was Austria violently annexed? In…