Author: Jan Huisman

  • Bones of diseased medieval Britons digitized and exhibited online

    Bones of diseased medieval Britons digitized and exhibited online

    A new website was launched yesterday with photo’s of bones of 1,600 medieval Britons. They deceased from a range of terrifying diseases, such as syphilis and leprosy. Some diseases are uncommon today. The gruesome bones shows the importance of keeping these diseases at bay. Their deformed remains are exhibited online as study-material, but f you are…

  • Archaeological proof: Cyprus has been inhabited for 10.000 years

    Archaeological proof: Cyprus has been inhabited for 10.000 years

    An archaeological find at the Ayia Varvara-Asprokremnos-site on Cyprus suggests that the Mediterranean island has been inhabited since the Late Stone Age, at around 8800 B.C. This is about 1000 years earlier than thought before. The Late Stone Age was marked by the transformation from a hunter-gather society to an agricultural one. The archaeological findings…

  • Gun-ownership wouldn’t have prevented the Holocaust

    Gun-ownership wouldn’t have prevented the Holocaust

    American historian Stephen Halbrook states on the History News Network that Jewish gun-ownership could have prevented the violent outburst against Jews during the Kristallnacht. He states that a gun law facilitated the unprecedented violence of the nazi’s –  a law that was created in the last year of the democratic Weimar-Republic in 1932. According to…

  • 17th-century Puritans wrote world’s most expensive book

    17th-century Puritans wrote world’s most expensive book

    World’s most expensive book was sold on Tuesday for a whopping $14 million at an auction of Sotheby’s, New York.It is a translation of Biblical Psalms, printed by settlers who came to America around 1640. It is the oldest book ever printed in the USA, but the true value lies in its historical background. The…

  • Nazi-loot or rightful property: How Gurlitt sr. obtained the Munich art-treasure

    Nazi-loot or rightful property: How Gurlitt sr. obtained the Munich art-treasure

    The Munich art-treasure keeps raising questions. Journalists have now researched the background Cornelius Gurlitt’s father, Hildebrand Gurlitt ( 1895-1956 ). Hildebrand Gurlitt was a respected art dealer in the Third Reich and was connected to Hitler. Nonetheless, Gurlitt’s role in the nazi-era remained ambiguous. Right after the war he was suspected of cooperation with the nazi’s, but…

  • Archaeological proof of early life of Buddha found in Nepal

    Archaeological proof of early life of Buddha found in Nepal

    Untill recently, no archaeological proof of the early life of the Gautauma Buddha was found. Al that we knew of him was through textual sources and oral tradition. It was even uncertain when he lived – some scholars thought he lived in the third century B.C., others estimate he lived hundreds of years earlier. Now,…

  • Remembered: The murder of the Mirabel sisters

    Remembered: The murder of the Mirabel sisters

    Today it is exactly 53 years ago that the three Mirabal sisters were killed. The women opposed the dictatorial regime of Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. The sisters openly opposed against the oppressive regime by distributing pamphlets. Rafael Trujillo staged a coup in the 1930’s in the Dominican Republic. This marked the beginning of…