Category: Modern

  • The hunt for Germany’s nazi-criminals continues: 6000 suspects await investigation

    The hunt for Germany’s nazi-criminals continues: 6000 suspects await investigation

    The leading executive of Germany’s center for nazi-crimes expects that about a dozen former concentration camp thugs are to be arrested. Chief attorney Kurt Schrimm told the Deutsche Presse Agentur (dap) the authorities are working on a list with all the guards at Auschwitz, 6,000 in number. Schrimm heads the center for nazi-crimes and he and 19 employees are on a frantic hunt for the last surviving…

  • Three alleged Auschwitz guards arrested in Germany, aged 88-94

    Three alleged Auschwitz guards arrested in Germany, aged 88-94

    It’s a race against time: Nazi hunters try to capture the last living nazi-criminals. The Second World War ended just under 70 years ago, and with the living nazi-criminals over 88 years old, approaching, they have to hurry. On a nation-wide nazi-hunt, German authorities captured three men last Wednesday, aged 88-94. They suspect to the…

  • Nazis wanted to use mosquitoes as a biological weapon

    Nazis wanted to use mosquitoes as a biological weapon

    At the end of the Second World War the nazis examined the use of mosquitoes as a biological weapon. Recently examined reports of the concentration camp Dachau proofs this.  According to the researchers, nazi-doctors examined how the life-span of infected mosquitoes could be prolonged, so they would survive the transport to enemy territory. Officially, the research-program…

  • Why ‘War Generation’ is strongly criticized in America

    Why ‘War Generation’ is strongly criticized in America

    In Germany, the historical drama ‘Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter’ was a great success. Now, the mini-series is running in America under the title ‘Generation War’ and receives little understanding. The series recently started in American cinema’s but is branded already as ‘five hours of self-pity’ by many critics. It may seem hardly surprising that when a film aims to understand the young soldiers of the German Wehrmacht, it meets little openness…

  • Designer of legendary Kalashnikov-rifle deceased today at 94

    Designer of legendary Kalashnikov-rifle deceased today at 94

    The AK-47 rifle is famous for its use in the Russian army and later as a weapon of choice for terrorist and freedom fighters alike. In many third world countries, the gun has become a symbol for rebel fighters. It is the only weapon that’s depicted on a country flag (Mozambique). The weapon is the…

  • The historical precedent for America’s fast food strikes

    The historical precedent for America’s fast food strikes

    Thousands of American fast-food and retail-workers striked last week, in protest of their extremely low wages.  These strikes have a historical precedent. In modern history, Americans thought that waiters and waitresses just couldn’t be organized in a worker-union. These unskilled workers weren’t allowed to join larger labor movements, in spite of their poor working conditions.…

  • Vienna Philharmonic withdraws honorary awards for top-nazi’s after 68 years

    Vienna Philharmonic withdraws honorary awards for top-nazi’s after 68 years

    The world famous Vienna Philharmonic orchestra has posthumously declined six nazi-leaders their honorary awards. Among them are Arthur Seyss-Inquart and Baldur von Schirach. Historian Oliver Rathkolb investigated the history of the Vienna Philharmonic during the war. He concluded that the Viennese music ensemble enthusiastically embraced the nazi regime. After the ‘Anschluss’ of 1938, the unification…