Category: News
Nazi socialite Marika Rökk was a member of Hitler’s inner circle AND a Sovjet spy
Marika Rökk was a Soviet spy during World War II. According to the German newspaper Bild, the famous Hungarian actress was discovered by the German intelligence service as early as 1951. Back then, her role was kept secret. The famous actress Marika Rökk caused a furore in Nazi Germany and would have had an affair…
Listen to Hirohito’s surrender speech
The original recordings of Japanese royal emperor Hirohito’s surrender speech on the 15th of August 1945 have been made public by the Imperial Royal Household. This unique radio speech, in which the Japanese people for the first time heard the voice of the divine emperor, can now be heard at the internet. The Imperial Royal…
The hunter-gatherer man: macho or metro?
British scientist from the University College of London state that men and women in hunter-gatherer societies had similar roles and social status. Men were just as important at raising children and gathering food as women. This contradicts the popular image of the hunter-gatherer man as a primitive macho. Men and women in hunter-gatherer societies were…
How the death penalty contributed to a better society
The death penalty created a better society in Europe. From the 11th to the 18th century, the death penalty contributed to a more peaceful society, while the genes of violent men were extinguished. American and Canadian researchers published an article in Evolutionary Psychology. Violence and death penalty during the early Middle Ages The scientist researched…
Alexander the Great: has he been found?
Human remains of a woman, a newborn baby and two men were found earlier at the newly found archaeological site of Amphipoles. As DisputedPast reported, these people lived during the era of the legendary Alexander the Great. Clearly, they were of the noble class. It was thought that the woman was either the wife or…
Tomb discovered of a fifth dynasty Egyptian queen
Czech archaeologists have discovered the tomb in Egypt of an unknown queen: Chentkaus III. She was probably the wife of a pharaoh who belonged to the fifth dynasty, about 4,500 years ago, according to the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. “It’s the first time we discover the name of the queen, who was unknown to us,…
Golden jewellery found on a New Kingdom mummy
Archaeologists found a mummy while cleaning a Middle Kingdom (2000 BC – 17000 BC) burial site on Luxor’s west bank. The spanish archaeological mission led by Myriam Seco unearthed the mummy within the ruins of a temple of King Thutmose III. The mummy itself is in a poor state, but the jewellery found on the…